"Art is the breath of life" best describes how Catherine Bryant sees her life.

After experiencing a troubled childhood, Catherine turned to creating art as a positive step to turn her life around. Armed with a sketch book and charcoal, she set out to find beauty and record the wonders around her. This journey took her into a world of constant growth.

After graduating from college, Catherine entered the field of advertising as a graphic designer and airbrush illustrator, ultimately creating her own business as a muralist. Realizing after 25 years that she could no longer climb scaffolding, she started honing her skills as a fine art painter.

Catherine’s paintings reflect her passion for color and strong brushwork, which together create her atmospheric perspective. During the summer months Catherine is usually outdoors throughout Kentucky and southern Indiana painting en plein air. She finds plein air painting teaches her how to quickly simplify her composition and ensure proper color acuity before the light changes. These skills are valuable once she is back in the studio during the winter months.

For the past few years Catherine has been teaching and sharing her passion for painting. After establishing the ground work, she delights in seeing her students use their new-found skills to record their world in their own voices.

Catherine Bryant
Catherine Bryant Studio

Louisville, Ky.


Kentucky Arts Council