Monitoring Report
East Fork of Clarks River

On August 5, 1996, members of the Calloway County Environmental Research Team met to perform their chemical, visual and biological survey for a KET program. The Water Watchers testing included: Kristine Hokans, Andrew Falwell, Mechelle Woodall, Thomas Holcomb, Jamie Sanders, Shane Burkeen, Kala Morton, Bridget Swatzell, Tyler Owen, Chelsea Darnell and Emi McFarlen with Stephanie Wyatt, Susan Darnell and Cloyd J. Bumgardner. These scientists and their advisors will be featured on a series of KET programs on September 26, November 21 and October 24.

The weather was partly cloudy. Last week there were a few thunderstorms that had no effect on the water level. The water temperature was 28.5 degrees Celsius. The Vegetation on the gravel bank was taller and thicker. We observed that the car bumper, car motor and air conditioner were still present.

Our test site was located downstream behind Wiggins furniture located approximately one mile north of Murray, Kentucky on highway 641. The air temperature was 30 degree Celsius.

East Fork of Clark's River, 
Downstream of Murray Wiggin's Furniture 1:30pm

pH:                     7.5 su
Chloride:               45 mg/L
Detergents:             NA 
Iron:                   less than .5 mg/L
Phenols:                NA
Nitrate:                 .25 mg/L
Dissolved Oxygen:        6.9 mg/L
Temperature:             28.5 degrees Celsius
Settleable Solids:       NA                                                    

From our results all of the water tests were in the acceptable range. Our team also completed the biological survey. The biological quality assessment scale indicated that it was good with a score of 22. The organisms we observed included: Water Penny Larvae, May fly Nymphs, Stonefly nymphs, Dobaonfly Larve, Caddisfly Larvae, Riffle Beetle Adults, Crane Fly Larvae and Clams.

All of the students were interviewed on the procedure of their tests and the reason for testing. They also were asked various questions about the outdoor classroom and what they really learned from being involved in it. The Calloway County Environmental Research Teen Scientists were also asked about their experience in Russia and Belize. The students discussed their work with the KY Water Watch Program and Ken Cooke.

Environmentally yours,

Calloway County High School Environmental Research Team