Water Resource Monitoring

Basic Stream Monitoring

Training and field guides are available for groups wishing to become traditional Water Watchers, monitoring for water pollution problems and environmental violations. A basic training program covering biological monitoring, visual assessment and an introduction to chemical testing, recording and reporting procedures is available to groups of interested individuals.

Biological Monitoring Project

The Biological Monitoring Project involves a low-cost and uncomplicated method for developing a picture of a stream's health. By collecting and analyzing key indicator species of aquatic insects, one can obtain an understanding of the general condition of a stream. Training, background materials, and equipment are provided to Water Watchers who are willing to sample on a regular basis.

Chemical Testing in Streams

A volunteer project involving regular tests for basic water quality standards on a local stream is continuing into its fifth year. Training, background materials and equipment acquisition assistance are available to groups wishing to conduct more sophisticated chemical analysis of their waterways. Kits for this project cost around $200. Some matching funds and local resources are available for purchasing kits.

Lake Monitoring Project

A recruitment call will be going out to lake users to initiate a statewide lake monitoring project. The volunteers will conduct water clarity, phosphate, pH, and sediment studies on Kentucky lakes. Sampling is conducted between April and October with a focus on priority lakes established in the division's 305(b) and Kentucky Lake Assessment reports.

Video and Photographic Monitoring Projects

Anyone with adequate skills and with access to video equipment or a 35 mm camera can assist with visual surveys of local streams, lakes and wetlands. Blank video tape, 35mm film and developing are available to qualified applicants. These surveys are designed to:
	- document unique natural areas and scenic spots along local water ways;
	- document human impacts on streams, positive as well as negative;
	- document the group's activities protecting local water resources; and
	- be used in community school-based and adult educational programs.