Working to make a difference for children
who display challenging behavior


Behavioral Response to Intervention

The goal for most educators, parents, and other professionals is for ALL students to be successful in school and in life. To reach that goal, many have adopted a three-tiered model of behavioral support. Interventions are developed at Universal (school-wide; Tier-I), Targeted (small groups or individual students; Tier II), and Intensive (Individual; Tier III) levels to teach ALL students what they must do to be successful. This page identifies and provides links to resources for each level of behavioral support.

Universal (School-wide; Tier I)

In the "Universal" Intervention section of the Behavior Home Page, you will find links to Safe and Civil School materials, Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS), Safe and Responsive Schools, Office of Special Education Programs, the Regional Intervention Program (RIP), The Kentucky Center for School Safety, School Violence and Prevention, Social Skill Resources, Anger Resources, Bullying Resources, and Peer Mediation.

Targeted (small groups or students at-risk for chronic behavioral issues; Tier II) Intervention Resources

In the "Targeted" Intervention section of the Behavior Home Page, you will find links to The Teacher's Encyclopedia of Behavior Management, Preventing Your Rules from Falling Apart, Safe and Civil Schools Resources, Facilitator's Guide to Positive Behavior Support, Time Out Procedures, Understanding Behavior: An Interactive Tutorial, and Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plan Resources.

Intensive (Individual; wraparound; Tier III) Intervention Resources

In the "Intensive" Intervention section of the Behavior Home Page, you will find links to the Kentucky-EBD Technical Assistance Manual, The National Center on Education, Disability, and Juvenile Justice (EDJJ), Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice: Mental Health, and Wraparound resources.