Working to make a difference for children
who display challenging behavior


Data Tools

With all educators have on their plate, we don't have time to guess! Data collection, solid analysis and good decisions based on that data are estential time saving methods!

TRENDs ®: Tracking Referrals. Encouragement. Notifications. Discipline. Safety

TRENDS incorporates PBIS by enabling educators to assess climate and safety, adjust classroom management plans based on student behavioral data, and access hundreds of proactive behavioral intervention plans. Our additional focus on positive referrals (Commendations) supports a positive rather than a punitive school environment.

Teachers, administrators, and support staff track student behavior across time, generate flexible reports, and develop function-based intervention plans for individual students based on the data collected.

TRENDs ®: Climate and Safety Surveys

TRENDS® Climate and Safety Surveys allow leadership teams to develop behavioral improvement plans based on assessment and analysis of staff, student, and parent survey data. TRENDS® Surveys provide information for analyzing strengths and weaknesses and building consensus based on input from all stakeholders on:

Safety in common areas
Social-emotional safety
Positive interactions between adults and students
Teaching and enforcing school rules
Attitudes about schoolwork
Frequency of major and dangerous discipline problems on campus
Sense of belonging and support for all school members

TRENDs ®: Connections

Connections is for students who need additional support for behavioral issues. It helps students increase awareness of their own behavior through regular feedback from adults. The program is built on the premise that a student with strong adult and peer relationships has a much better chance of improving behavior and meeting academic goals than a student who doesn’t.

School-Wide Information System (SWIS)

The School-Wide Information System™ is a web-based software system for collecting and summarizing office discipline referrals in schools. The system was developed by University of Oregon faculty in collaboration with elementary, middle (junior high) and high school personnel. The purpose of SWIS™ is to provide schools with accurate, efficient, practical information for decision-making about school-wide discipline.

PBIS World-Data Tracking Resources

PBIS World is a website containing links to hundreds of interventions, supports, resources, and data collection tools, all of which are organized into the tier 1 through 3 framework. It is designed to help guide users through the PBIS implementation process, starting with behavior identification and offering suggestions for interventions and data collection tools.

CHART Dog: Intervention Central

Enter student data, create graphs, save and print. Quick and easy to use.