Kentucky Water Watch Program Mentorship

One aspect of our program has been student mentoring with governmental agencies. Ken Cooke, Kentucky Water Watch Program Coordinator, helped our students learn technology and how it applies to environmental applications. The mentorship program worked so well that the students prepared a presentation to be given at the 1995 Governor's Conference on the Environment. At this conference the students were able to network with business executives and governmental representatives to translate the technological awareness into their opinions and message of the current state of the environment. The mentoring aspect of the project has continued past the Governor's Conference. Through the continuing collaboration of Ken Cooke, the Kentucky Water Watch Coordinator and Calloway County High School students, the students now regularly use classroom computers as research tools to acquire new knowledge via the internet; develop new skills researching environmental issues, and connect new ideas with new people, places and cultures. Specific examples of this networking are students e-mailing water quality data to a collaborating school in Ust- Donetsk, Russia and students regularly networking with Kentucky Division of Water biologists in Frankfort, Kentucky on environmental issues.

other program components